Just like every month, in Animal Crossing: New Horizons there are some new bugs and fish for October 2020. Here we’re going to cover all of the new bugs, fish, and sea creatures that you can catch over the course of the month. We’ll also give you some tips about how to catch them, including where they appear, and what sort of times you can expect to see them.

New Bugs and Fish for October 2020 Northern Hemisphere
Fish: Yellow Perch – These fish will start to appear in your rivers all the time, so go and fish for them there.
Fish: Dab – You can catch these guys at anytime in the sea, so head to a pier and get fishing!
Bug: Ladybug – You’ll find these beauties hanging out on flowers between 8am and 5pm on your island, so head out with a bug net then.
New Bugs and Fish for October 2020 Southern Hemisphere
Fish: Killifish – These tiny beasts will start spawning in your ponds, and you can catch them at any time of day.
Fish: Crawfish – You’ll be able to catch these guys at anytime of day in your ponds.
Fish: Snapping Turtle – Between 9pm and 4am you’ll start to see these guys popping up in your rivers just begging to be caught.
Fish: Guppy – In rivers, these fish will begin spawning between 9am and 4pm.
Fish: Neon Tetra – You should start to see these fish popping up in rivers between 9pm and 4am.
Fish: Seahorse – You can catch these fish out at sea at anytime.
Fish: Clownfish – Once again, these guys will be swimming about anytime in the sea.
Fish: Surgeonfish – Just look for these guys out at sea at anytime of day.
Fish: Butteryfly Fish – Once more, these guys will appear out at sea at anytime of day.
Fish: Zebra Turkeyfish – Get out to sea if you want to catch yourself one of these amazing looking fish.
Bug: Common Bluebottle – Between the hours of 4am and 7pm you can find these bugs flying around evertwhere.
Bug: Agrias Butterfly – You can find these bugs flying on your island between 8am and 5pm.
Bug: Rajah Brooke’s Birdwing – Once more, this bug will be flying around your island between 8am and 5pm. you can’t miss it.
Bug: Atlas Moth – These bugs can be found on trees between the hours of 7pm to 4am, one for the night owls.
Bug: Madagascan Sunset Moth – Check your flowers between 8am and 4pm for these guys, you should see them as long as you have a few flowerbeds.
Bug: Long Locust – Look on the ground between 8am and 7pm for these bugs.
Bug: Darner Dragonfly – Another bug that you’ll find on the ground, but this time between 8am and 5pm.
Bug: Giant Water Bug – Check your ponds between 7pm and 8am for these guys.
Bug: Jewel Beetle – Look for tree stumps, and these bugs on them, at any time of day.
Bug: Flea – This one’s a bit awkward. You’ll find them on Villagers anytime. Just be kind.
Those are all the new bugs and fish you can catch this month in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. If there are any that you think might be missing, then let us know what they are in the comments.
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