Which is the best gaming setup: consoles, desktops, or gaming laptop?

Best Gaming Setup: The gaming landscape today is more extensive and varied than it has even been. A gaming enthusiast has many choices today from gaming consoles, gaming, laptops, desktops, and even smartphones and tablets. Plus, the recent additions are the virtual reality headsets and ultrawide monitors.

In fact, any device that can have internet connectivity can be used as a gaming device and has its own benefits too.

However, one question that ponders every enthusiast’s mind is whether they should opt for a console, gaming laptop, or desktop for an optimum gaming experience? Well, there cannot be a clear and definitive answer for this, but with ReSpawn Review, we have our recommendations that assist you in making the best choice. Here’s our quick guide:

Gaming Console for All Your Entertainment Needs

which is the best gaming setup for you let's find out

If you are a gaming and movie enthusiast and not looking for a standalone productivity solution, then a gaming console will serve you in the best possible way. Find the latest games as and when they are released and some exclusive ones, too, even before the PC version is out in the market. 

Today’s gaming consoles are a mix of robust hardware, excellent online features, and a massive library of exclusive games. From Sony PlayStation, Microsoft’s Xbox to Nintendo, all are the right choice.

With consoles, you can enjoy your gaming without spending a significant amount on your gaming setup. 

However, the flip side is that these consoles are not upgradable. Gaming with desktops and laptops will cost more initially, but with the option of upgradability and a more comprehensive selection of online games, it’s worth considering.

Read Also: 4 Best Gamecube Emulators

Gaming Laptop or Desktop?

From the software / OS perspective, there is not much difference between a laptop and a desktop. The only difference is maybe of the size, power, and heat dissipation. 

With laptops, you will miss the crispness and color support of a dedicated desktop display. 


Take them along and play games anywhere. However, gaming laptops will be more costly when compared to consloes. Thinner, lighter, and the battery life of these laptops will delight anyone. The limitations are due to its physical form and it becomes prominent when compared with a gaming desktop. 

The Ultimate Gaming Machine

For the sheer power and versatility, nothing beats a gaming desktop. With the fastest graphic cards and storage space in terabytes, a water-cooled machine takes your gaming to the highest level. 

There is no limit to how much you can spend to build a gaming desktop for yourself. Expensive, of course, but the features that come with these are awe-inspiring. 


Gaming desktops are powerful and will remain so even in the future. You can easily upgrade your system with your choice of specifications, which is impossible with a gaming laptop or console. 

Just upgrade the components you feel the need for without replacing the entire thing at once. Your system will remain fast and fresh as you can change and upgrade the graphics card or the memory at your will. 

Push your gaming to the max with gaming laptops, use the inputs from the experts in person, and several online forums, and there you are. 

Conclusion (Best Gaming Setup)

The real power of a gaming desktop will always remain unmatched by a gaming console or a laptop. However, it is the portability that poses restrictions with a gaming desktop. Having said that, these consoles and laptops have their own place and suability. But when it comes to a gaming system that is powerful and uniquely yours, a gaming desktop is the best choice to make. 

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