Udemy Alternatives: 20 Best Websites like Udemy to Cultivate your Skills

Online learning is booming. And every person whether he/she wants to sell their course or want to learn new skills. Are heading straight towards Udemy. Because it provides a dynamic marketplace for edupreneurs and learners. A place, where people can purchase any course. But the digital economies can never survive by relying on a single platform. Therefore, we’ve curated this list of “20 Best Udemy alternatives” or “20 best websites like Udemy“.

Even though, Udemy has more than 55000 courses in different fields. And you can learn any skill you want in a matter of hours. But still, there are many alternatives to Udemy. That provides amazing courses in various fields or in a particular field. And still, these apps are under-rated or untouched by the audience.

Udemy Alternatives: 20 Best Websites like Udemy to Cultivate your Skills

20 Best Udemy Alternatives t

But these ain’t the only reason, why someone is searching for a Udemy alternative. Because many students want to connect and interact with their teachers. And most of them need a certificate that helps them to get their dream job. But I guess Udemy lacks in this field. Because you can’t directly contact the teacher in your course. And some courses don’t provide a completion certificate. Which might be a bad thing for many students.

Therefore, we’ve ended up creating a list of 20 Best Udemy alternatives or websites like Udemy. To help you to cultivate your skills and get your dream job in a matter of days. So without wasting a single second. Let’s dive into the list of 20 Best Udemy Alternatives to Cultivate your Skills.


Skillshare is one of the best Udemy alternatives right now

Skillshare is no doubt an amazing platform, where you can learn almost everything. More than 25000 courses are available from categories like Coding, Designing, Marketing, Photography, Writing, and more. You can interact with the instructor and they’ll help you out ASAP. A project section is also available. Where the instructor will give your projects and tasks to complete.

Skillshare is an online learning platform for those who love doing things by themselves. Because every course have some projects to complete. That helps you to enhance your skills while learning through videos. Moreover, if you’re a creative person who loves doing things like Photography, Marketing, and Designing. Then Skillshare is no doubt one of the best Udemy alternatives for you.

But if you’re interested in fields like Coding, accounts, and business. Then there might be a chance, you’ll get disappointed. And will feel betrayed by Skillshare. But altogether, Skillshare is an amazing alternative to Udemy. And the quality of their courses is no doubt unmatched by many Udemy alternatives.

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Linkedin Learning

Linkedin Learning is one of the best Udemy alternatives or websites like Udemy

Formerly known as Lynda.com, Linkedin Learning is a platform just like Udemy. Because here you’ll find skill-oriented courses. That you can directly use on your Linkedin profile. And grab the job you’re looking for. Although, first you’ve to complete the course and acquire that particular skill. But Linkedin Learning has a high completion rate than that of any other Udemy alternatives on this list.

It means you’ll definitely get high-quality courses from categories like Designing, Marketing, Coding, Software Development, and many more. The platform does have an active community of professionals. That helps you to clear your doubts. And in the future, those people turn into connections which may improve your chances of getting a dream job.

The best part of this online learning platform is, that it’s available in more than 5 languages. That helps you to study in your native language. And makes your skill more professional.

Khan Academy

Khan academy is one of the best Udemy alternatives or websites like Udemy

The best part of this one of the best Udemy Alternatives is. That it’s 100% free and didn’t ask you for a monthly or yearly subscription. Although they’re a Non-Profit organization. And runs on your donations. But it totally depends on you. Whether you want to pay or just want to learn things for free without forcing your pocket.

This website provides courses from playschool to college graduates. They’ve their own E-library. From where you can learn things easily. Further, it depends on you to learn things in video format or the text format. And after completion of courses and videos. Khan Academy awards you badges with different titles. That keeps you motivated and helps you to learn without any break.

Moreover, the content it provides is available in 20 languages. And the courses’ duration is small but informative. That never lets you get bored. Although sometimes you may feel like limited resources.

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Coursera is one of the best Udemy alternatives or websites like Udemy

Coursera is an online learning platform, where you’ll find courses from one of the biggest institutes in the world. You can find courses from humanities to marketing from institutions like Harvard and MIT. Because these are the subjects people are studying globally. And if you’re thinking to study subjects directly from institutes like Harvard. Then Coursera is a perfect fit for you.

This one of the best Udemy alternatives does provide free courses. And you can even get a certificate from the biggest universities. But there are some paid courses as well. That helps you to boost your skills exponentially. The app does give you the feeling of going back to school. Which is an amazing thing for those, who want to go back school.

The quality of courses ain’t compromise. And you’ll definitely get the premium quality courses from highly trained professionals. Furthermore, the app suggests courses according to your preference and job title.


Edx is one of the best udemy alternatives or websites like Udemy

Just like Coursera, Edx provides more than 2500 courses in different industries. And from various institutions in the world. The name of this platform is known for its quality and the courses it provides. Because you’ll find courses that were created by industry specialists. And the way they teach with animation and graphics is mind-blowing.

The platform have sign deals with institutions, from which they get amazing high-quality courses. Although Edx is a science-oriented app, where you’ll find plenty of courses related to science. But you can still find courses in various fields. But as we all, that isn’t enough.

And this is the only flaw, Eds has. Because most of the courses are related to science. And people like me who love to study marketing or any other creative skill would have to search another one of the best Udemy alternatives.

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Udacity is one of the best Udemy alternatives or best websites like Udemy

Udacity is one of the best websites like Udemy. That provides different modules in in-depth explanations. You can find courses from coding to brand designing. And of course, it has some paid as well as free courses for its users. The free courses include some type of “nano-degree” program.

Which is designed to provide you a big course in a small type session. And you can learn things quickly but vaguely with the help of those small sessions. And the best part of Udacity is, that it has partners from Silicon valley’s firm like Facebook and more.

As a result, you’ll get high-quality courses with an online certification. Moreover, most of the courses on Udacity come up with a certificate. That helps you to boost your skills exponentially. And grab the job you’ve dreamt of in your childhood.


Edureka is one of the best Udemy Alternatives or best websites like Udemy

Edureka is one of the leading online learning platforms. That provides live classes in fields like Tech & Science. Moreover, now they’re expanding their arsenal. And offering courses in fields like Marketing and Finance. But Edureka is mostly known for its IT courses like Coding, Developing, and more.

However, I’ve personally learned some basics of HTML on this platform. But if you’re looking for a more dynamic online learning platform. Or one of the best Udemy alternatives. Then Edureka isn’t meant for you. But if you’re a tech guy, who love to do poetry in HTML. Then Edureka is a blessing in disguise for you.

Just like Edx and Coursera, Edureka also have signed deals with various universities and institutions. That helps them to provide quality courses with recognizable certificates. You can learn from their website as well as the app. And enhance your skills like never before.


Learning.ly is altogether a new contender in the list of best Udemy alternatives. But it’s competing and have good courses, students would love to study. Because it’s launched by The Economist (A famous news publishing house). That is run by people who already knew and have great expertise in the education field.

Quality is a thing you don’t have to worry about in Learning.ly. Because every course have videos, audios, texts, and presentations to explain the topic more clearly. Moreover, they have a vast variety of courses in different modules. That helps you to find and learn courses easily.

The best part of Learning.ly is, that you’ll get courses, that help you to improve your thinking ability. And make you ready for future challenges you’d face. As a result, they’ll transform you into a person more skilled and with technical thinking.

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Future Learn

Future Learn is one of the best Udemy alternatives or websites like udemy

Future Learn is an old player that is established in 2012. And still providing courses from one of the biggest universities in the world. Future Learn is a website similar to Udemy. But works just like Edx, because it also have signed deals with various universities. From which they brought high-quality courses for their users.

You can choose small courses as well as big courses to learn your favorite skill. Also, they provide self-improvement courses like “how to manage things” & “how to succeed as a newly qualified teacher“. And all of these courses come up from universities like the University of Michigan and more.

You can also apply for online graduation. That helps you to get a degree in the field you want to study. Further, you can easily complete other courses in their short form to acquire a skill ASAP.


Youtube is one of the best Udemy alternatives or best websites like Udemy

I know, many of you guys must be thinking, why I’ve added Youtube on this list. But, the reason is simple. YouTube is the second largest search engine on our planet. That has content in various fields. And every day a new creator starts his/her channel because it’s free. Then start uploading their educational, funny, music, vines’ videos.

As a result, you’ll find thousands of people teaching the same thing. But in various methods. And you’re free to choose from which educator you wanted to learn. After all, I’ve learned everything from YouTube. From creating a website to how to write good content. Therefore, YouTube is one of the best sources to acquire skills in no time.

And whenever we’ve to learn something quickly. We all first head to YouTube. Because it’s free, fast, and secure. And yes, it provides tons of video in a single genre. That helps us to choose from a cluster of educational videos.

These are the reasons why I’ve added this name on our list of best Udemy alternatives. So next, if you’re searching for a course, then first give it a try on YouTube.


Treehouse is one of the best websites like Udemy or one of the best Udemy alternatives

Treehouse is a perfect source to learn coding and designing. And if you’re searching for websites similar to Udemy. That offers high-quality courses on coding and designing. Then Treehouse is the name you’re looking for. Because they provide more than 300 courses in different modules. But all courses are designing and coding centric.

Also, the instructors are highly trained professionals in their working domain. Treehouse constantly adding new courses for students and job seekers, who want to upgrade their skills. The courses are interactive, where you’ll find quizzes and questions while watching the videos.

Moreover, the quality of the courses is no doubt extraordinary. And you’ll learn what you’ll see in this one of the best Udemy alternatives.


Upgrad is an online learning platform. That provides high-quality courses directly provided by the highest universities in India. You can complete courses and PG-Diplomas in fields like Marketing, Data Science, Machine Learning, Software, IT, Law, Management, and more.

Although the duration of those Diplomas is pretty lengthy. But the quality and classes they provide are unmatched. And if you’re confused about your career. Then they provide free counseling through phones and chats. That helps you to choose a career you’ll grow in.

Also, Upgrad provides some free courses to help you understand the fundamentals of a skill you want to acquire. Moreover, you can directly call them on their provided numbers to understand things more clearly.


Codecademy is one of the best online learning platform

So here’s one of the best Udemy alternatives especially curated for coders. They provide a vast variety of modules. And thanks to the US government who supported this platform and give funds. That helps Codecademy to provide hight-quality courses to its users and learners.

This one of the best websites like Udemy have quizzes and various type of challenges. That helps you to learn while practicing in real-time. Moreover, the classes are small and focused on a particular topic. Which never overwhelm beginners with information.

Further, in classes, you can write small codes to try and test what you’re learning. And the interaction on this Codecademy is amazing.


Skillwise is a website, that provides courses from making you an entrepreneur to making you a designing expert. Because all the classes are very creative and interactive. And the modules it provides is definitely more than that of any other one of the best Udemy alternatives.

Moreover, they introduce more courses and modules in every small time gap. And just like Udemy, here you don’t have to purchase a monthly or annual subscription. But you can individually purchase courses that you like to study.

Moreover, you can also become a teacher and could earn some cash. Because Skillwise offers 50% of the sale to the educator and the remaining 50% of the sale, they kept with them. Which isn’t a bad deal for many teachers there who are teaching on websites like Udemy and more.


w3schools is one of the best websites to learn online

Another amazing and one of the best Udemy alternatives is here. W3School is known for its unique way to teach. Because you can learn coding without watching hours long video on your computer. Instead, read a brief description of a tag or a technique. And practice it right away on the same web page.

W3School is a website that clears all my basics in HTML. And I’ve learned CSS as well from this one of the best websites like Udemy. But the only reason, why I ended up putting it here on our list is. That it’s a code-centric website. That provides free of costs courses only in the technical field.

But if you’re a code poet who loves writing code in his/her spare time. Then W3school is a gem mine for you. Although, it’s free and provides amazing coding lessons but may counter some ads that could spoil your mood while teaching your own self.


Teachlr is a course rich online learning platform. That comes up with courses in various modules and industries. You can find courses like Music, Coding, Designing, Marketing, Office Productivity, Languages, Fitness, IT, Software, and many more.

The interface of this one of the best websites like Udemy looks fabulous. And it’s a perfect reminiscent of Udemy. That provides similar courses as well. However, most of the content is available in Spanish because it’s a Venezuala based company.

But still, you’ll be able to find a lot of courses in English and other languages. Moreover, you can opt between Spanish and English languages to browse courses in your own way.


Simpliv is, I guess one of the best Udemy alternatives. That provides courses in almost every field. You can find courses from engineering to Ms office. Everything is available at the cheapest and expensive prices. You’ll get a vast library from which you can choose courses easily. And the interface looks beautiful just like Udemy.

Moreover, you can teach other students and expand your community easily. Because Simpliv does provide an author account from which you can share your own courses with the world. And like Skillwise edupreneures get 50% of a sale which is attractive for many teachers out there.


wiziq is one of the best online learning platfrom

WizIQ is totally a different one of the best websites like Udemy. Because it’s best for those, who love webinars. And love to study from online live classes where you can interact with your educator. Because the whole education model of this one of the best Udemy alternatives is providing quality webinars. From where you can study easily.

WizIQ offers features in webinars like only audio, video, texts, and even slides. That helps you to teach and study the way you prefer. Moreover, if you’re willing to teach your students here through webinars. Then there’s a small monthly subscription of this app.

That allows you to teach your students and customers directly from your computer screen.

Solo Learn

Solo Learn is one of the best online learning platform right now

Ah, here we go again! A code-centric app that makes your learning process more rewarding. Because with every lesson you complete will reward you with a classy badge. That shows how dedicated you’re towards acquiring new skills. Moreover, a friendly community is waiting for you out there.

Where people are always ready to help you out in your doubts. And clear topics you’re not sure about. Solo Learn allows students to learn while practicing. Because it has a small code tab, where you test codes you’re learning from classes of Solo Learn.

Solo Learn is definitely one of the best Udemy alternatives. But only for those who’re from a technical background and want to enhance their skills. Therefore, it’s ended up here on this spot on our list.

Shaw Academy

Shaw Academy is one of the best Online learning platform

Finally, we’ve reached the bottom of our list of best websites like Udemy. Shaw Academy is a beautifully designed online learning platform. That has an amazing user-interface with some creative courses. You can learn marketing and coding through this enduring Udemy alternative.

Although, you can’t watch all the videos of a particular course in one go. And you’ve to choose a specific time to watch your courses’ videos every day, which is a little annoying. But if you’re a person who wants to create a habit. And learn every day something new with some small steps.

Then Shaw Academy is a perfect fit for you. Because it does have a lovely and attractive interface.

I hope you guys will like this article, and please let us know your thoughts about these Udemy alternatives in the comment section below.

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